Why should you join?
Unlike the other orbitcycle banner exchanges- the success of your banner is less dependant on the number of sites on the exchange, and the amount of traffic those sites get. It runs on a ration system. For ever 3 banners you show on your site 2 of your banners are shown on member sites. So the success is how much traffic you can get on your site!
Second, due to the coding of the exchange, you can place banner ads on each page of your site to add extra banner exposures for your site, by just changing the code from page=01 on the end of the exchange, you can change it to page=02, page=03, page=4 to gain extra exposures and extra traffic!
Three you don't have to pay a cent.
Four, every new member gets 500 extra exposures!
What's the Rules?
First the exchange is configured to only allow 468*60 banners.
No banner over 20 k allowed!
Any and all sites and banner that has any kind of Adult material(such as nude pictures) aren't allowed!
Your site has to do with Buffy the Vampire Slayer Fan Fiction and or Faith!
So if you want to join Click Here