But you could see Faith's reluctance to Kill Angel and to fight Angel. She just didn't want to do it. And seeing her take Wesley, something I thought wouldn't happen, but I knew she was up to something when Dennis didn't want Cordy to go into the Appartment. Dennis always wants to take care of her- didn't like the Demon spawn guy that impregnated her either. I'm glad I have the Holy Ghost 'My Dennis' to warn me of things and to lead my way. But in the end, I was overjoyed to see Faith get on her knees and ask for forgiveness. It'll be interesting to see how Joss' ideas will differ from my own on Faith's salvation- but I am glad to see the character Faith is taking the first step to a new and better life for herself, and I have some new plans for this novel- involving the evil law firm from Angel, and the possessed individual.
And on another note- this week's episode of Buffy I just have to talk about this. At first I thought the episode was really good- I was laughing at the humor that's in the show, and I was really enjoying it. But when you find about the old woman who abused all those children in the name of 'Christ' - I was a little offended, but I realize there are a few individuals who are out there who are total psychos who think they are doing the will of the Lord, who are actually causing great harm to his work - And had I been written into the episode to be there with the Scooby Gang I would have given her more 'Hell' the Giles did. I don't condon any of the behaviour that this character did. I believe everybody needs to repent and be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ- but I don't believe that I should force anybody to do that- I only offer the information so that you know. If you decide to do that- I am glad. If you feel you should from this site- then E-mail Me. If you decide not to do that- that's okay too, though I believe you'll live to regret it one day.
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